Why Is Healthcare So Expensive?

Rising healthcare costs have been rightfully labelled as an important issue. The following program highlights several reasons why health costs around the globe are a challenge to “fix.” Be prepared to be aghast.

Is it the doctors fault? Insurance? Federal bungling? Big Pharma? Antiquated record-keeping? Inflation? Baby boomers? Malpractice defense? Entrenched interests? The Bogeyman?

Skip ahead to 2:11 for the start of the topic, which the host rightfully calls a “wedge issue.” It shouldn’t be. Regardless of political preference, everyone wants healthcare to be affordable.

The guest expert, Dr. Keith Smith, is introduced at 5:50. His presentation is not glitzy, but does an excellent job of beginning to illumine this thorny topic:

Everyone wants healthcare costs solved. No one seems to know how to do it. Gaining literacy on the issues at hand is the first step to “fixing healthcare.”

Introverts TED Talk


Three cheers for Susan Cain for helping the world realize that our introvert:extrovert natural tendencies aren’t reflected in today’s structures!

End Of The Road – Trailer

This topic may seem hopelessly boring, yet if you’re not aware of it you could end up getting royally steamrolled:

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It isn’t quite like learning in The Matrix yet, but we’re getting close.