How To Build a Time Machine

Wondering about your options for building a time machine? According to Dr. Ronald Mallett, you actually do have some:

Inspired by the book, “The Time Machine” by H.G. Wells as a boy, Dr. Mallett has spent years thinking about the issues involved. I’d be shocked beyond measure if a working time machine was available at the local gadget store within our lifetime, but this speech gives some food for thought.

A second book also inspired the speaker: “The Universe of Dr. Einstein.” This book allowed the young man to realize that according to Einstein, time has some flexibility.

How To Build a Time Machine, According to Sneezl

Building from the principle that objects at high speeds experience time at a slower rate, here is a guide to building your own time machine:

  1. Build a machine that goes unbelievably fast
  2. While going unbelievably fast, do not die
  3. Slow down
  4. Join the future

Of course, there are critical problems with this plan, but if you really want a time machine…

(kids: talk to your parents before trying anything…)

How To Build a Time Machine, Option 2

This time machine won’t be as dramatic as the previous suggestion, but here goes:

  1. No matter where you are, be as high off the ground as possible:

    • Sleeping? Choose the top bunk
    • Apartment shopping? Choose the top floor
    • Eating? Find a roof-top patio
    • Not sure where to live? Move to Nepal
  2. As the Earth rotates, you will constantly be moving slightly faster than everyone at ground level.
  3. You will be experiencing time a little slower than everyone else.

If all goes well, you’ll add a second or two to your lifetime 🙂